

Carlos Adrian Correa Florez, MINES ParisTech PhD, PERSEE center




CoRDÉES : gouvernance énergétique de quartier


Prédiction solaire pour des suiveurs photovoltaïques


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Vidéos "geossenergy"

Vidéos présentant les activités du Centre O.I.E. dans le cadre du GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems)


GEO global initiatives develop tools to address post 2015 agenda key themes

Résumé de la vidéo (Abstract) :
The Global Atlas for Renewable Energy[1] was initiated under the Clean Energy Ministerial. It is coordinated by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) as a contribution to the Sustainable Energy for All initiative of the United Nations. The Global Atlas aims at bridging the gap between countries having access to the necessary data and expertise for assessing their renewable energy potentials, and countries deprived of those elements.
The contribution for the GEO Energy Societal Benefit Area (SBA) within the sixth phase of the Architecture Implementation Pilot (AIP-6) provides preliminary screening of sites of interest for solar and wind developments in the Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) region. The outcome are a set of maps of opportunity areas for solar and wind energy taking into account technical constraints (resource, distance to the grid, topography and land use).
MINES ParisTech (Centre for Observation, Impacts, Energy - O.I.E.) was the project leader and contributes the Webservice-Energy[2] catalog as the backbone of the Global Atlas infrastructure to feed the GEO Web Portal (GWP)[3].
[1] Global Atlas for Renewable Energy: http://globalatlas.irena.org
[2] Webservice-Energy Catalog: http://geocatalog.webservice-energy.org
[3] GEO Web Portal: http://www.geoportal.org



Résumé de la vidéo (Abstract)
Introduction et présentation générale du catalogue de données géo-spatiales pour l'atlas mondial des énergies solaire et éolienne
GEOSS AIP-5 Energy Solar Atlas Scenario Video. More information at:  http://www.webservice-energy.org



GlobalAtlas - Discover the Global Atlas vision, partnerships and achievements

Résumé de la vidéo (Abstract) :
Présentation générale du projet "Global Atlas" mené en collaboration avec l'IRENA.
This video describes the Global Atlas initiative, general framework, objectives and partnerships. The GlobalAtlas is the largest international initiative ever in renewable energy potentials. More information at: www.irena.org/GlobalAtlas



GEOSS AIP-3 Energy Scenario "Environmental Impacts Assessment of Photovoltaic Systems"

Résumé de la vidéo (Abstract) :
This scenario provides information on the environmental impact of the production,transportation and use of energy with a focus on the Photovoltaic sector. It is lead by French partner MINES ParisTech with several other partners including Ecoinvent, a Swiss SME, and two FP7 European projets EnerGEO and GENESIS.





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